Do not PANIC at your BOSS

Do not PANIC, Here you have a BUTTON.
What will you do when your Boss arrives while you are watching YouTube videos or playing games on Internet instead of doing your work assigned to you?

Even if you have a cool boss you don’t like to get the impression that you are slacking off the work. Some
have boss who like to roam through stealthily as in search of prey or plunder around unannounced. You won’t have time to close all your windows at a time once you are chanced upon. The best way you can do is minimize your browser and hope that your boss simply keeps walking and doesn't stay at your desk for a long. However, a bunch of minimized windows are visible from a distance, and is a sure sign of no productive work being done.
Here will be your favorite app that is PANIC BUTTON. Once installed on your browser, which will minimize all your tabs but also open a safe, work related website instantly.

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