Do you want to save money on your mobile phone data plans and get more data on your phone at the same price?

Normally, whenever you need details about your phone usage, you either guess or rely on the usage trackers provided by your mobile phone provider, which may not be completely reliable. This leads to unexpectedly exorbitant bills.

You can stop guessing your phone data usage and put an end to exorbitant bills by getting the Onavo Count app on your mobile phone. It is available as free download for both Android and iPhone platform. Once installed on your phone, Onavo Count will tell you how much data has been used on your phone by each app segregated by 2G/3G/4G/LTE, so that you can monitor, tweak and control data usage.

It is also possible to extend your data plans by installing the Onavo Extend app on your phone. Once installed it will compress your data usage by up to 500%, hence allowing you to get five times the data at the same price.

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