Facebook has become the primary platform for most of us to upload, view and share photo albums with our friends, family members.
It is only possible to download only a single photo at a time and not possible to the entire photo album from your friend’s Facebook profile from or to your computer. You need to open and download every single photo in that album individually. Imagine how long it takes to download entire photo album with a hundred of photos.

Here is your free available named as Social Folders. It allows you to download entire photo album from various social networking platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Picasa, Flickr and others.

Once you install you can see the icon in your windows task-bar  it asks you to connect it through your social networking websites like Facebook, Twitter and others. It not only allows you to download entire photo album of your own Facebook account, but also allows you to select and download entire photo album of your friend’s Facebook account as well.
The best thing about Social Folders is that it is very user friendly. The moment you start uploading photos to a website from your computer you will be shown a notification in your windows task-bar.

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